
Is There Gardens Green Chile Stew Mix

One thing I miss about living in New Mexico is having a piping, hot bowl of Green Chile Stew on a chilly Fall day. It was easy enough to adapt by replacing the pork with portobellos, and let me tell you, this Vegan Green Chile Stew is just as amazing as the original. The Hatch Green Chiles really make this recipe.

vegan Green Chile stew

If you've never tried Green Chile Stew you are in for a treat.

It's basically a soup made of pork, potatoes, broth, and hatch green chiles. To make it vegan, I simply replaced the pork with mushrooms, added some extra vegetables, and used vegetable broth instead of chicken.

If you're not into mushrooms, you can simply leave them out. It will be nearly identical to my Potato Soup Recipe I've previously posted.

I know I'll get asked some questions so let's go:

Instant Pot: Personally, this is one of those recipes I feel you need to cook low and slow on the stove, to really let those flavors develop. Still, if you want to try it in an IP, just remember to add the tomatoes last or they may scorch.

Potatoes: Russets work well. I think Yukons might fall apart …. but if that's all you have, try it.

Chiles: if you can, I would definitely use Hatch Green Chiles. I've seen them in the freezer section of the stores and even bottled into jars in the salsa aisle. 505 is a popular brand and Trader Joe's even has one of their own.

I like the Young Guns brand that comes in 36 oz plastic bottles at my local Fred Meyer. It comes in Mild, Medium, and Hot. For this recipe I used Mild and there was still a nice amount of spice.

Yes, in a pinch you can use those little cans of green chile, but personally, they lack the flavor that Hatch has. There's really no comparison.

Be careful that you are buying just chopped green chiles. If you buy a Green Chile SALSA, it may have other ingredients in it as well, usually a lot of salt.

This is, by far, one of my most favorite recipes, and the old recipe just didn't do it justice, so it was definitely due for an update.

I hope you like it as much as I do.

Vegan Green Chile Stew

vegan green chile stew
Vegan Green Chile Stew | Brand New Vegan

In a 6qt Dutch Oven, add 1 diced onion, 3 ribs of chopped celery, and 2 chopped carrots, along with a few tablespoons of veggie broth to keep it from sticking. Saute on medium-low heat until the veggies have softened and the onion has turned translucent, then stir in the minced garlic.

Go ahead and stir in your spices now and let them toast along with the veggies, then add the mushrooms. All I did was cut them in half after wiping off any dirt or grime.

When the mushrooms shrink down a little, add your green chiles and tomatoes and stir well. I'll add Amazon Links below to some chiles you can buy. I had 2 really ripe tomatoes from the Farmer's Market and used those. If you want to use canned tomatoes, I'd use a 15oz can of Fire Roasted.

Then just dice your potatoes (I never peel but you can) and add them along with the broth.

Increase the heat until it starts to simmer, then reduce to low and cover. Let it simmer until the potatoes are soft, about 30-45 min.

Taste for any seasoning that needs adjusted and salt to taste. You can always add more chiles too if you like it spicier.

Stir in about 1/4 cup of cilantro before serving and that's it.

This will make about 6-8 servings, depending on your bowl size. Plenty for leftovers.

I'll add those Amazon Links below. If you like this recipe please leave me a comment and share it with your friends.

As an affiliate for Amazon, I do earn from qualified purchases but at no extra cost to you.

See you next week!

vegan Green Chile stew


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One thing I miss about living in New Mexico is Green Chile Stew. It's easy enough to adapt and let me tell you, this Vegan Green Chile Stew is just as amazing as the original.

  • 1 onion
  • 2 carrots
  • 3 ribs celery
  • 1 tablespoon minced garlic
  • 1 teaspoon mexican oregano
  • 1/2 tsp onion powder
  • 1/2 tsp garlic powder
  • 1/2 tsp ground cumin
  • 1/4 tsp ground black pepper
  • 16oz (1lb) baby portobello mushrooms
  • 2 large tomatoes
  • 32 oz (1qt) low sodium vegetable broth
  • 4 russet potatoes
  • 1/2 cup diced hatch green chile (or more to taste)
  • 1/4 cup chopped cilantro

  1. Dice onion, celery, and carrots and add to a 6 qt Dutch Oven
  2. Saute the veggies in a little veg broth until softened
  3. Add the garlic and spices and mix well
  4. Add the mushrooms and let them cook down a little
  5. Dice the tomatoes and add them,  and the green chiles to the stew
  6. Stir well and cook for 1 minute
  7. Dice the potatoes and add them, and the broth.  Mix well.
  8. Bring the pot to a simmer, lower the heat, and cover
  9. Simmer until the potatoes are soft, about 30-45 minutes.
  10. Adjust any seasoning and add cilantro if desired.
  11. Enjoy one of my most favorite comfort foods from New Mexico!


Keywords: vegan green chile stew

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Is There Gardens Green Chile Stew Mix


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