
Do Water Filter Pitchers Work

The correct water filter pitcher will ameliorate the gustation and quality of your drinking h2o. For bottled water drinkers, a good home filter system or bullpen can as well salvage y'all hundreds of dollars per year and keep untold amounts of plastic out of recycling and waste management systems. H2o filter pitchers couldn't be simpler to use either -- all that's needed is to fill the pitcher with tap water and give it a little bit of time to filter into the main reservoir, which tin take xxx seconds or a couple of minutes, depending on the model.

Brita is the best-known water filter pitcher make, merely that doesn't hateful it's the best water filter, of course. We tested several top-rated water filter pitchers, with prices ranging from effectually $eighteen to over $100, in guild to find the top-performing filters in a category that's rich in options. The all-time h2o filter pitcher is the one that will quickly and efficiently eliminate the most impurities in regular tap water.

In our last round of h2o filter pitcher testing, one model left the remainder of the pack in its grit. In this nearly contempo round, that same bullpen made by ZeroWater kept form, removing nearly all of the total dissolved solids, or TDS, and leaving a clean-tasting drinking glass of Water.

While this i bullpen may have had the all-time technical results in our testing and is our acme recommendation for most people, there are others in the grouping worthy of consideration for other reasons.

These are the best h2o filter pitchers for 2022.

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Best overall water filter pitcher


David Watsky/CNET

The ZeroWater was past far the all-time water filter pitcher of the bunch in both this and the previous rounds of testing. This h2o purifier pitcher is fairly affordable, sturdy and it comes in a few sizes all of which use the same filter. Those include a smaller x-cup round pitcher, 23-cup dispenser with spigot and even a massive 5 gallon water jug that can be fitted onto a h2o cooler.

In our testing, the ZeroWater filter removed nearly all of the TDS from the water we ran through it, finishing with a 0 boilerplate reading, making it our top performer by far. ZeroWater is so confident in its filter products that each model comes with a TDS water quality tester to come across for yourself how well it works. We used our ain tester in addition to the one included and the filter delivered a perfect TDS score on both.

ZeroWater pitchers are a scrap more expensive than Brita and Pur, but by no ways a luxury purchase with some of the smaller dispensers starting at just $30. Each one uses the same 5-phase filter so you can bet that you'll get similarly clean water no matter which unit you decide on. A pitcher filter replacement two-pack costs $30 and each one is supposed to terminal for up to 40 gallons. For comparing, Brita and Pur, on the other hand, sell each of their filters for just $7 -- and claim to have the same twoscore-gallon filter life.

All-time budget filter pitcher

Brita Standard Metro filter pitcher

David Watsky/CNET

Brita is probably the best known of the water filter pitcher brands and it performed well in our testing, second simply to the ZeroWater in the overall removal of dissolved materials. The Brita removed about 40% of the TDS. Not a bad showing simply still significantly less than the winner.

This model happens to be about $13 cheaper than the cheapest ZeroWater model and is one of the nearly budget-friendly water filter pitcher options out in that location. To make things fifty-fifty more cost-efficient, the replacement filters can be had for about $3 if yous purchase them in a multipack. Each one is said to filter twoscore gallons of water, enough for roughly two months of steady use (the same lifespan as ZeroWater).

While I wasn't in dear with the build of the Brita -- the plastic feels a bit inexpensive -- it is just ane.32 pounds which is less than half the weight of the ZeroWater. If y'all take pocket-sized kids or folks in the habitation who can't elevator a heavy pitcher, this may be a good pick.

Brita also makes a "Longlast" filter that's designed to last three times as long as the standard filter. We tested a Longlast and found it performed significantly worse than the Legacy (standard) filter. Plus, it's more than expensive and then I'd advise sticking with the Legacy if ownership a Brita.

Best pitcher for calculation alkaline to your water

Seychelle pH20

Megan Wollerton/CNET

If the goal is to add together alkaline to your water, then you'll desire a completely different model. In a previous round of filter testing, we ran pH readings (measurements of how acidic or bones your water is) range from 0 to fourteen; vii is a neutral reading.

Despite conflicting enquiry on the topic, some people aspect health benefits to more basic (or alkaline) water. As a event, select companies make water pitchers with filters that actually add together nutrients equally your tap h2o passes through.

The $70 Seychelle pH20 pitcher took tap water from an already basic reading of 8.39 to, the largest increase out of the iii alkaline metal pitchers in my exam group. This bullpen's water filtration organization uses two filters at a time, but they are supposed to terminal for up to 200 gallons. A replacement filter ii-pack costs $50.

Bullpen talk

To go started, here's a list of the half-dozen pitchers we tested:

  • Brita Metro Standard
  • Brita Everyday
  • Brita Longlast Monterey
  • Larq UV self-cleaning
  • Pur Plus
  • ZeroWater

One key matter to consider from this nautical chart is the estimated life of each bullpen filter versus its price. The Brita Metro Standard and Everyday models, the Pur Plus and the ZeroWater pitcher all have a lower estimated filter life of up to xl gallons. While the Brita filter and Pur filter models cost $7 each, the ZeroWater filters price $15 each (but are sold in a $30 two-pack).


Tin can yous spot the ZeroWater filter? It'south the 1 on the far right.

Megan Wollerton/CNET

Every bit y'all tin can see in the picture higher up, the ZeroWater filter on the far right is massive compared to others. Of course, that doesn't necessarily equal better performance simply in this example, the ZeroWater did soundly outperform the others in removing contaminants. ZeroWater claims to accept a five-phase filter that's better at removing particles while preventing mold from growing with use. Based on our testing results, it seems the make may be onto something.

(Keep in listen that filter life will vary based on the quality of your tap water and how much your filter has to "work" to remove impurities.)

How we test

To test these water filter pitchers, we washed each ane with mild lather and water, then followed the private manufacturer instructions for soaking, rinsing or otherwise prepping filters for utilise. Then we filled a marked mason jar glass with xvi ounces of tap water and used an Orapxi water quality tester to mensurate and annotation the TDS present.

While the results of my tap water varied slightly each time I filled a fresh glass with 16 ounces the TDS of the water used always read between 47 and 50 ppm, or parts per million. (Read more nearly TDS here and here.)

Then we poured all xvi ounces into a water filter pitcher, waited for it to filter all the water, poured it into a new glass and took the readings again. For a nonalkaline pitchers, y'all should expect to see a drib in the TDS readings, as impurities and other minerals are removed from the water. We repeated these steps a total of three times on each of the pitchers.

TDS meters are not sophisticated enough to decipher which impurities, nutrients and other minerals each filter manages to remove (or add, in the instance of the alkali metal pitchers). For that reason, measuring TDS solitary every bit an indicator of h2o quality has some limitations. But, in general, for a standard filtered h2o pitcher, we desire to run into a decrease in the TDS reading. Examples of the near common TDS include "calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, bicarbonate, sulfate, chloride, nitrate, and silica," co-ordinate to the US Geological Survey.

In a previous round of testing, we ran three alkaline h2o filter pitchers through a pH exam -- Conspicuously Filtered, Invigorated Water pH Vitality and Seychelle pH20. All saw an increase in both the pH and the TDS, since they're designed to add minerals to your water, but the Seychelle saw the biggest pH increase which is why nosotros've listed it as the all-time pitcher to buy if you want to add together element of group i to your tap water.

Here'due south a table of our most recent TDS removal test results. The data represents an average of three test runs for each filter bullpen.

Test results

TDS (% change)
Brita Metro Standard -45.6
Brita Everyday -45.half-dozen
Brita Longlast
Larq self-cleaning -2.2
Pur Plus -6
ZeroWater -100

The ZeroWater bullpen managed to reduce all of the total dissolved solids in my tap water, from an average initial TDS reading of 57 ppm down to zero -- which may assistance explain the proper noun. Both Brita pitchers with the standard filter tied for second place, a reduction of TDS from 57 down to 31 (a 45.6% subtract).

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Water sense of taste was a chip trickier to measure, but every pitcher did help reduce the slightly metallic taste of my tap water. Unsurprisingly, the ZeroWater pitcher model tasted the best, with no discernible metallic gustation or aroma.

Overall, the ZeroWater (ZP-010) fabricated our job pretty easy in both rounds of testing. It completely dominated in terms of removing TDS and also happened to have ane of the sturdiest designs -- second only to the expensive Larq self-cleaning bullpen. But there are other skillful options here also: The Brita Metro Standard is a great budget filter pitcher that weighs less than ZeroWater's pitchers and has cheaper replacement filters. The Seychelle pH20 is a slap-up pitcher option if you lot desire to add together alkaline to water.

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One thing to notation is that we're really testing the filters hither and not the pitcher itself. Because most home filter pitchers made by a single make will use the same filter, you can bet that no matter which size or shape dispenser y'all cull, the filter should do the aforementioned job, for improve or worse. ZeroWater, for instance, has a line of most six pitchers, jugs and dispensers in diverse sizes -- all of which utilize the aforementioned very effective five-stage filter. The one caveat within the brands nosotros've tested here is Brita which offers a LongLast filter that did not perform as well every bit the Legacy Brita filters.

Some other big takeaway is only how widely filtered water pitchers tin vary, both in terms of performance -- and even in terms of their key function, as in the case of the alkaline pitchers. As long as you identify your needs earlier you buy, y'all're bound to observe the right filtered water pitcher for you.

Best water filter pitcher FAQs

Which h2o filter pitchers remove the most contaminants?

In our testing, it was fairly clear which water filter bullpen removed the most contaminants. The Zero Water pitcher, while significantly bigger and more than expensive than the other pitchers, removed all of the dissolved materials nosotros were testing for. The Brita filter pitchers came in second identify and also removed a substantial amount of contaminants.

While nosotros haven't tested them even so, in that location are more elaborate water filters that you tin can have built into your sink from brands including Aquasana, Hydroviv and Berkley. These water filters may net better results but will run you in the $200-$500 range and require some form of installation which could incur even more costs.

Do water filter pitchers remove leaner?

No. Water filter pitchers will remove many harmful contaminants like atomic number 82, copper, chlorine and organic compounds that affect the taste but they will do nothing to impale leaner. Your tap water should already be treated for bacteria but if you're concerned about information technology, a standard h2o filter is non going to help.

In fact, if left unchanged for long periods of time a water filter itself could build up crud that could potentially crusade bacteria to grow and permeate your water. Because of that, be sure to change your filter regularly as prescribed past each brand.

How do I make clean a water filter pitcher?

The near important matter you tin do to keep your water filter pitcher clean is to change the filter. Near filter bullpen brands including Brita and Zero Water recommend replacing the filter later nearly 40 gallons merely this number varies by model.

The bulk of the water pitchers that nosotros tested can and should be cleaned like whatsoever other piece of plastic kitchen gear every few weeks. You can remove the filter and rinse them by hand with hot water and soap, making sure to fully rinse the pitcher so as not to exit soap residue. Most water filter pitchers are dishwasher-prophylactic too. Only don't forget to remove the filter which should never exist cleaned with soap.

Do Water Filter Pitchers Work,


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